PostgreSQL Extensions

Extensions are modules that supply extra functions, operators, or types. The form below lists all the available extensions in our cloud PostgreSQL.

name version description
btree_gin 1.3 support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
pg_visibility 1.2 examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pgstattuple 1.5 show tuple-level statistics
intagg 1.1 integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
pg_stat_statements 1.7 track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
seg 1.3 data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
postgis_topology-3 3.1.1 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
pgcrypto 1.3 cryptographic functions
pg_trgm 1.4 text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
ltree 1.1 data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
citext 1.6 data type for case-insensitive character strings
postgis_raster-3 3.1.1 PostGIS raster types and functions
earthdistance 1.1 calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
dblink 1.2 connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
address_standardizer-3 3.1.1 Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
cube 1.4 data type for multidimensional cubes
postgis 3.1.1 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
amcheck 1.2 functions for verifying relation integrity
tsm_system_rows 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
address_standardizer_data_us-3 3.1.1 Address Standardizer US dataset example
tablefunc 1.0 functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
pg_prewarm 1.2 prewarm relation data
tcn 1.0 Triggered change notifications
bloom 1.0 bloom access method - signature file based index
postgis_tiger_geocoder-3 3.1.1 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
tsm_system_time 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
autoinc 1.0 functions for autoincrementing fields
intarray 1.2 functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
pgagent 4.0 A PostgreSQL job scheduler
pgrowlocks 1.2 show row-level locking information
lo 1.1 Large Object maintenance
pg_freespacemap 1.2 examine the free space map (FSM)
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.1.1 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology 3.1.1 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgis_raster 3.1.1 PostGIS raster types and functions
hstore 1.6 data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
postgis_sfcgal-3 3.1.1 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
pageinspect 1.7 inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
btree_gist 1.5 support for indexing common dataty
address_standardizer 3.1.1 Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
fuzzystrmatch 1.1 determine similarities and distance between strings
pg_buffercache 1.3 examine the shared buffer cache
xml2 1.1 XPath querying and XSLT
postgres_fdw 1.0 foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
refint 1.0 functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
file_fdw 1.0 foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
isn 1.2 data types for international product numbering standards
uuid-ossp 1.1 generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
sslinfo 1.2 information about SSL certificates
moddatetime 1.0 functions for tracking last modification time
adminpack 2.0 administrative functions for PostgreS
insert_username 1.0 functions for tracking who changed a table
address_standardizer_data_us 3.1.1 Address Standardizer US dataset example
unaccent 1.1 text search dictionary that removes accents
plpgsql 1.0 PL/pgSQL procedural language
dict_int 1.0 text search dictionary template for integers
dict_xsyn 1.0 text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
postgis-3 3.1.1 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
postgis_sfcgal 3.1.1 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
jsonb_plperlu 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperlu
plperlu 1.0 PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
hstore_plperl 1.0 transform between hstore and plperl
hstore_plperlu 1.0 transform between hstore and plperlu
plperl 1.0 PL/Perl procedural language
pltcl 1.0 PL/Tcl procedural language
jsonb_plperl 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperl
pltclu 1.0 PL/TclU untrusted procedural language
timescaledb 1.7.5 Enables scalable inserts and complex
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